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The History

The house was built by the current owner's grandparents, George and Vinnie Craft, circa 1928. The original house was preserved as much as possible with a modern kitchen added to the rear of the house.  It  is furnished with antiques that have been in her family for many years and  other  items of interest that have been collected and are displayed in  the hallways  and dining areas. 

When Madison County was formed in 1818, the southeastern corner was a part of the Cherokee Nation. White settlers were already entering the area even before Madison County was established.  Under the Treaties of 1817 and 1819 the Cherokee ceded to the United States large sections of land. For example, all of their land to the north of the Tennessee River was ceded under these treaties along with other lands in Georgia and North Carolina".  There is a log house on the property that was built during this period , the early 1800's, that is registered as a Historical Landmark by the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage. 

A pioneer  of this region and forefather of the Craft family, Ezekiel Craft was  born in Dublin County, North Caroline on June 10,  1772 and  began service in the revolutionary war at 16 years of age in 1778. He was wounded several times while serving. Ezekiel  and his brother Archealous, were early pioneers in Claiborne County Tennessee.  Ezekiel Craft farmed and took an active role in his community. In 1801 when Claiborne County was established  and the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions was formed he was selected as the first county's first register and served as the constable there. Ezekiel  and John Hunt, founder of Huntsville, both lived in Claiborne County Tennessee where Ezekiel bought some property from John.  In 1808 he left Tennessee and moved to the Mississippi territory, to an area now know as Madison County, Alabama.  He was the founding pastor of Meridian Line Baptist Church and minister of the Big Cove Church.  On April 12, 1820 he was appointed Justice of the Peace and became a member of the first county commission of Madison County established in 1823. Ezekiel Craft was the great grandfather of William Frank Craft. William Craft and Joanna Craft  acquired land here in 18 Dec 1897 and built a home on the West side of the property. Mr. Craft established a farm here, corn, cotton, hay and livestock were raised. The property where this home is located was bought by George R. Craft, son of William Frank Craft, on February 16, 1928. This property was located on Old Highway 431 which was called the Florida Short Route at that time. Mr. George Craft believed that electricity would be available at this location in time whereas getting electricity to the back of the property away from the main road was doubtful. George R. Craft was the grandfather of Wenona Moorer, the grandmother of Grandmother's House. The name of the restaurant, Grandmother's House, was derived from the fact that this was in fact her grandmother's house. Wenona is a sixth generation descendent of  Ezekiel Craft, a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). The DAR honored him through a grave marking ceremony, in Moon Cemetery at Owens Cross Roads. on May 1, 1999.

The Madison County Commission proclaimed May 1, 1999 as Ezekiel Craft Day in Madison County Alabama, in recognition of Ezekiel' Craft's service as a revolutionary War soldier and as one of the first County Commissioners of Madison County and in further appreciation of the accomplishments and contributions which his descendents have made to the growth and progress of Madison County..

Picking Cotton around  1899
And the Farm is still going today
peach tree
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